We need to continually work to ensure the state makes equitable investments toward our local transportation needs.
Water Rights
Water management is critical. We must strategically plan for the vital needs of residential, agricultural, recreation, and industry demands.
Public safety is of utmost importance. Providing resources for our first responders is a top priority. We must stand with our police against drugs and crime.
No To
Lava Ridge
Idaho's kids deserve the very best! We have to prepare by investing in our schools, so our kids are ready to compete with anyone, anywhere, anytime.
Idaho's kids deserve the very best! We have to prepare by investing in our schools, so our kids are ready to compete with anyone, anywhere, anytime.
Meet Mike
My family’s story unfolds in Eastern Europe, before my parents embarked on their journey to the United States. In the late 1940s, my father’s escape from Czechoslovakia during the rise of Communism set the stage for my unique narrative. Fate led him to my mother in post-war Germany. Together, they fled in search of a new life of opportunity, possibility, and freedom. The American Dream.
Living the American Dream: The Inspiring Story Of
And A Lifetime Of Giving Back

I’ve lived the American Dream—from bagging groceries to serving our community. Every step has fueled my commitment to my community and my state. I have been so richly blessed, I will always work to give back.
-Mike Pohanka

Mike was born in Twin Falls to parents who fled communism and postwar Germany. Mike’s father earned an education at Penn State, then moved to Montana to launch his career. Eventually settling in the Magic Valley, Mike’s childhood was shaped by hard work and opportunity.

Mike understands work! From picking rocks on the family farm in the Magic Valley, to bagging groceries at the Buttrey Foods supermarket, to a stellar career with Idaho Power & teaching economics at CSI. Mike understands the importance of a good education & a hard days work.

Growing up Mike heard the horrible tragedies witnessed by his parents in WWII Germany and communist-ruled Czechoslovakia. His parents instilled their sincere love for America and the opportunities it would afford for their family and Mike.

Mike spent his entire life quietly giving back. Mike coached Little League, serves in the Rotary Club, taught twenty three years as a professor at CSI, volunteered as a reserve deputy sheriff and now as chaplin for the Idaho State Police. For him, the American Dream isn’t just a dream; it’s a daily reality.

Mike and his sweetheart Susan have been married for 44 years. They raised their family in the magic valley where they loved having 2 kids and 10 grandkids. They enjoy hiking, gardening and being outdoors.

Mike understands Idaho; families, conservative values, the economy, and what it takes to achieve real success. He’ll fight for water rights, our transportation needs, and a world-class education for every child.